Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lent-A-Day Challenge

Confession time: I have hit a creative wall and I can’t get around it. It has been there since I got “laid off.” I have felt unworthy. Like I am just not good enough to create anything worth showing the world. It’s not that I haven’t taken pictures, because I have. I just have not posted them or edited them. I have kept them locked away on my memory card and on my hard drive where no one can see them.

I am honestly scared. Scared of what people will say once they see my work. Scared that I am no longer “good enough” or as good as I thought I was or as good as I once was. All of my ideas that I once had, just aren’t coming to me. And I know the longer I am “out of practice” the harder it will be to “jump back into the saddle,” but somehow that hasn’t motivated me to pick up my camera.

Until today that is… when I was sitting at my desk at work trying to think about what I was giving up for lent. Most Catholics choose to "torture" themselves by giving up pop or chocolate which is super hard for them for the next 40 days.

But for me, I am going to use this time to get back into the swing of things. So for the next 40 days, I will take a picture every day. Not only will I get back into my picture taking habit, but hopefully it will make me start thinking creatively again.

Be sure to stop by every now and then to see how I am doing. After all someone has to keep my accountable :)

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