Friday, October 1, 2010

I Heart Faces - Fix-It Friday #73

Like most people I spend most of my days behind a computer. And while behind there, I spend about 25% of my time editing pictures. In fact, this coming week I am getting ready to have a picture editing marathon for work. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE PhotoShop, it is the computer program that helped me decide what I wanted to do for a living, but sometimes when all you do is edit pictures all day that LAST thing you want to do it play with more pictures in PhotoShop when you come home night.

Lately, however, when I see I Heart Faces Fix-It Friday Challenges come out I can't help myself. So here is my first official Fix-It Friday submission.




Jessica Marie said...

Great edit! Like how you made it stand out!

Teresa said...

Nice work!! :)