So many different things ran thru my head when I saw this prompt on Ashley Sisk's list for her Scavenger Hunt Sunday list... Honestly, the first thing I did was start picking myself part. Am I brave enough to post a picture of my face without make up on? Maybe some other time. Should I take a picture of my crooked toes? I should really touch up my nail polish first. And then I walked into the kitchen and I passed the bowl with the fruit in it. My first inspiration was the bananas because they were going bad. But it really isn't their fault that they aren't in their best shape anymore. So I looked to the "cuties" or what most of the world calls a clementine. According to most people's definitions, a clementine is supposed to be small and round in a deep orange color. Well, my poor clementine was more squatty, oval with indentations. And the poor thing has green spots on it, which unfortunately are should up as black spots in this picture. Oh well, it is "imperfect."
But then again, if I ever came across the "perfect" anything in life I'd probably stick it in a museum because that is where a perfection belongs...