Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Turning 30...

I told myself that it wasn't going to be hard turning 30. Everyone does it. It is just an age. And age is nothing but a number. A state of mind. That I wasn't going to let it get to me. That I didn't need people to celebrate me. That I could celebrate me. That the messages on Facebook would be enough, because hey, that obviously meant I had a ton of "friends." That people cared. That I wasn't forgotten. That if people didn't call it didn't mean that I was loved any less. That just because I didn't have a huge party or a birthday meal like I used to it didn't mean I was any less special. That just because I got a single card in the mail, that I just managed to open today (almost 20 days after my birthday) because I couldn't bare to open any sooner it doesn't mean people forgot me. It just means, that people don't really celebrate you that older you get... I honestly think this is all the stuff that has made turning 30 so hard. I wanted to feel special on my special day. Kinda like I did when I turned 15. I wanted to feel surrounded by those that truly loved me, but more because I am married now and have a daughter and more "friends." Instead, looking back on that day tears still come to my eyes and I feel empty inside. In fact, if I could fast forward past my birthday every year I would... who needs a special day to celebrate themselves. Oh yeah, Paris Hilton.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Winding Drive

I take a lot of my pictures on the way to or from work lately. I suppose it is because that is where I spend at least 2 hours of my day. Well, on the way home, I pass this house with a long winding drive way. It has large trees lining the way. It makes it even more special looking. I would love to take pictures so someone playing among the trees....

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It's Raining in NC

It is raining here in NC. Horrible storms. We had power knocked out two or three times last night and wind whipped through the house. I am hoping that tonight is much calmer, because I can use a nice, quiet night's rest.

I took these images at a stop light. I usually hate the rain while driving, but if I can get cool pictures because of it I think we can make friends with each other.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Yes - Those ARE Chickens

So these aren't great pictures, but sometimes you just have to take pictures for the sake of taking pictures and this was one of those times.

One thing I have noticed since we moved into our house is everyone out here has chickens. Our neighbors have chickens - well actually it's a rooster which doesn't know whether it's night or day because the damn thing crows NONSTOP - and the business down the road has chickens.

Here is my proof...

And apparently I was on camera while I took those pictures... Oh well...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A good mouse

A good mouse is worth a thousands clicks. At work I use a sleek wireless mouse. It is small and black and zips all around my two computer screens. At home, I use what we call "a tank." However, I love my tank just the same. They both work great for me. They both are reliable are get the job done. And would make my work life 100% harder without them!

Bacon and falling off the wagon

Okay, so the truth I took the picture of "The Indian" almost a week ago and then I suffered from some bad migraines over the weekend and Monday. And like all habits, once you break them they are hard to get back into the swing of things. So I have maybe two people who are keeping me on track with things (and I thank you both for that!), and yesterday I got back on track with the goal not to fall off the wagon again.

So without further ado... everything is better with BACON :)

The Indian

As you enter my best friend's house you walk past "The Indian." There is humorous story that involves beer and a bet as to how "The Indian" came to be a part of their family.